
Willard School 1855-1888

Early in the year 1872 Mr. Badger was directed to prepare plans for an addition to the Willard School house.  His plans were approved and four spacious rooms were annexed to the school house.  In 1873 the School Committee report(s) that “these new schools have been organized and established since the change, yet the increase in population in this flourishing part of our township is so rapid that they are now all full and in efficient operation.”


Colonel Francis W. Parker

In 1875 at the annual town meeting the School Committee were authorized to employ a Superintendent of  Schools.  They accordingly selected Colonel Francis W. Parker at a salary of $2,000.00 per annum.  The old course of study was discarded and a new one prepared, and the school year was reduced from forty three weeks to forty weeks, a fall term of 16 weeks, and winter and spring terms of 12 weeks each.

In 1880 Colonel Parker resigned as Superintendent and Mr. Sylvester Brown was selected to fill the vacancy,  Mr. Brown having been principal of the Willard School during the years 1878-9, and Mr. A. H. Blood was selected as principal and served two years.

In 1881 the number of scholars between the ages of 5 and 15 years enrolled at the Willard School was 611 and the School Committee recommended that an addition be built on the front of the present building a distance of 60 feet, with a width of 42 feet, the expense being estimated at $6,000.  This addition was completed this year containing twelve rooms.


George J. Aldrich

The next year Mr. Brown having resigned, Mr. George J. Aldrich was selected to fill the vacancy.


John Hancock School House

The Willard School was destroyed by fire on Sunday February 17, 1889, and the scholars were accommodated in the John Hancock School, Foresters Hall, Farmers Hall and in Saint Mary’s Hall.  At a meeting of the School Board held March 30th it was voted to send a communication to the City Council recommending the erection of a new school building for this section.


Teachers, Willard School

This photo evidently was taken in 1888 and shows us the last corps [of] teachers employed in the old school house.  Their names were reading from left to right

            Miss Chamberlain       (second row)               (in front)

             Miss Theresa Fegan     Miss Conway             

              Miss Collins                   Miss    Lewis

              Miss Dicky                      Miss  Shaw                 Miss Kelley

            Miss Ellen Fegan            Miss   Crane

             Miss  Newcomb             Miss   Garnder

          Miss Desmond              Miss   Billings

             Miss  Glines                      Miss   Burns

            Mr. George M. Wadsworth


Emeline Newcomb, Teacher

Miss Emeline A. Newcomb, a teacher in the Willard School from 1857 to 1909. a period of 52 years of efficient services in this district.


Mary A. Spear, Teacher

Miss Mary A Spear a teacher here from 1863 to 1883.

 The principals of the Willard School after the transfer of Mr. Quincy to the Adams School were as follows.

             1869                Mr. S.V. Wild

            1870                Mr. Bradford

            1871-1875       Mr. S.C. Higgins

            1876-8             Mr. Henry F. Woodman

            1878-9             Mr. Sylvester Brown

            1880-1             Mr. A H Blood

            1882-3             Mr. William P. Beeching

            1884-               Mr. Frank F. Courtney

            1885-6             Mr. Charles W. Haley

            1887-90           Mr. George M. Wadsworth

            1891-               Mr. J. F. Suckling